How MFA’s office strives to be green


1. Turning off lights in rooms that are not in use is standard practice.
2. Office Equipment such as computer monitors and the copy machine have energy efficient automatic “sleep” mode to save energy when not in use.
3. Double sided printing is a standard practice.
4. MFA requests to be removed from fax lists and mailing lists when information is not applicable.
5. MFA culls mailing lists to avoid duplication.
6. MFA maintains separate recycle bins for returnable bottles and recyclable containers.
7. MFA staff utilizes glass mugs and glasses each day instead of paper products.
8. MFA has bottled water dispenser to avoid use of individual bottles of water.
9. MFA purchases recycled printer cartridges for the printers in the office and returns them to the supplying vendor for reuse.
10. Phone messages and draft documents are printed on blank side of used paper to reduce waste.
11. All acceptable material is deposited into the single stream recyclying containers to be collected by building maintence personnel each evening.
12. Documents are emailed as frequently as possible to avoid using additional resources of printing and snail mail.
13. Recycled paper products and those that are approved by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative are purchased from MFA’s supplier and printer whenever possible.
14. MFA staff carpools to off-site meetings whenever possible.
15. MFA offers incentive program to promote staff’s use of public transportation for commuting.
16. MFA closely monitors the number of promotional materials and office supplies needed to avoid waste and over-ordering.

Responsibilities: - Financials - Social Media Director - Manage convention sponsorships, vendors & totes for annual MFA convention - Administration of New England Food Foundation financials, events & communications.